
Unable to complete your request due to added security features

This version of HPE's management software has added new security features which include only allowing access to the web-enabled interface using the secure HTTPS protocol. This protocol is accessed at a new port, 2381, instead of the port, 2301, used for HTTP access.

One of the aspects of HTTPS is the requirement for a server certificate. Unless the individual installing the management software has imported a certificate signed by a particular certificate authority the management software will be using a self-signed certificate. When a browser first makes an HTTPS connection to the HPE management software on port 2381 it will attempt to verify the certificate. If the certificate it is presented with by the management software has not been signed by one of the certificate authorities installed in the browser then the user will be presented with a dialog and given the option of whether to accept the certificate or not. The certificate needs to be accepted to connect to the management software.

The user has the option of installing the self-signed certificate into the browser to avoid this challenge in the future. However if the self-signed certificate is regenerated then the same process will have to be followed again.